Tuesday, July 25, 2006

All in One Piece by Cecelia Tishy

Cecelia Tishy’s All in One Piece, second in a mystery series featuring Reggie Cutler, Boston’s middle aged medium extraordinaire, again brings suspense to the streets of Boston and beyond. Reggie is just trying to recover from her bad day when blood dripping from her ceiling brings even more bad news. Stephen Damelin, her tenant has been found nail gunned to the floor and a threat marked in blood posted on her front door. As Reggie, one not to sit back and wait for fate takes to investigating his family background. Stephen’s poverty stricken background in the industrial town of Lawrence, MA and his rise to a more privileged life through the good will of his best friend’s parents is only the start to the strange and possibly crooked dealings of Stephen and the powerful Boston Vogler family. As escalating problems occur, Reggie relies on her R. K. Stark, co-owner of her dog Biscuit, for protection. Not too many medium sessions this time around, just small premonitions to prevent her from harm. Reggie’s amateur detective style requires a little bit of suspension of belief as she flits in and out of danger but this is an improvement from Tishy’s first novel, Now You See Her.

Category : Crime Fiction

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